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AXA Business Technologies is an associated concern of AKSA, a leading technology solutions provider.


Revolutionizing Fingerprint Authentication with Touchless Convenience

In today's data-driven world, robust authentication is paramount. Our comprehensive biometric verification solution redefines fingerprint authentication by leveraging the power of smartphones to deliver unparalleled security and convenience. This innovative solution seamlessly captures fingerprints eliminating the need for physical contact with sensors. By harnessing the power of liveness detection technology, our solution ensures that only authorized individuals gain access, safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorized transactions.

  • Elevate security with multi-factor authentication
  • Unleash the power of touchless convenience
  • Empower secure access across diverse applications
Use Mobile's Camera

Use Mobile's Camera

Works Across Devices and Platforms

Works Across Devices and Platforms

Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless Authentication

Contactless Fingerprint Capture


Step 1

Position your hand behind the phone.


Step 2

Let the rear camera detect your fingers.


Step 3

Align them within the guide and maintain a steady hand.


Step 4

Capture all four fingerprints simultaneously.

Business Values & Use Cases

Financial Institutions

Financial Institutions

  • Enhance customer experiences by seamlessly integrating robust and secure fingerprint authentication into KYC processes and digital transactions
  • Empower financial institutions to comply with stringent regulatory requirements and safeguard customer data with unparalleled security

Government and Law Enforcement Agencies

  • Streamline identity verification and authentication procedures by leveraging touchless fingerprint capture to match individuals against legacy databases
  • Facilitate efficient criminal investigations and enhance security measures by utilizing touchless fingerprint technology for accurate identification

Healthcare Institutions

  • Implement secure and convenient fingerprint authentication for Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances (EPCS), ensuring the safe and responsible distribution of controlled medications
  • Enhance patient safety and privacy by safeguarding sensitive medical records with touchless fingerprint technology


  • Revolutionize security practices by replacing traditional authentication methods, such as passwords, PINs, tokens, and ID cards, with touchless fingerprint authentication
  • Enhance employee productivity and customer satisfaction by streamlining access to digital resources and services with touchless fingerprint technology

Let’s Get Digital

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